A teenage boy named Jason wakes up on a school bus not remembering anything from his past, including anything about who he is. He finds himself sitting next to Piper, his apparent girlfriend, and a boy, Leo , Jason's apparent best friend on a field trip to the Grand Canyon. While they are there, storm spirits attack the three and their supervising teacher, Coach Gleeson Hedge, who reveals himself to be a satyr, and helps fight the storm spirits, although he ends up captured by them. Meanwhile Jason surprises everyone, including himself, by using a sword disguised as a coin to fight off the spirits. At the end of the battle, a flying chariot pulled by two pegasi lands next to them carrying two people; Annabeth and a boy named Butch. Annabeth came to the Canyon due to a vision from Hera, telling her to look for the "boy with the missing shoe", which refers to Jason, who is missing a shoe, enraging Annabeth who believed that boy to be Percy.
Jason, Piper and Leo are told that they are demigods,half god, half human; and are taken back to Camp Half-Blood where they meet other demigod children. There, Leo is revealed as a son of Hephaestus, Piper a daughter of Aphrodite, and Jason a son of Jupiter (the Roman side of Zeus) and later is discovered as the brother of Thalia. Shortly upon arriving to camp, they receive a quest to rescue Hera, who has been captured by an unnamed villain.
The three friends set off on the back of a giant robotic dragon that Leo had found in the forest named Festus on a cross-country quest to save Hera and Piper's father from Enceladus, a Titan. Their enemies are under orders from the goddess Gaea to reawaken her and overthrow the Olympian gods. On their way, Jason, Piper and Leo encounter many enemies who they manage to thwart, including Boreas in Quebec City (your home town Miss Patrice?), a trio of cyclopes in Detroit, Medea in Chicago, King Midas, and a pack of werewolves led by Lycaon in a cave, and Aeolus at his castle 60-feet off ground.
Will Jason and his friends complete the quest and save Hera, and possibly the world? Will he go against all odds for his friends? Read and find out.
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